Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 16(28)

Riabovol L. Legal basis of quality assurance of higher education in Ukraine: analysis of relevance to European standards

Riabovol L. Legal basis of quality assurance of higher education in Ukraine: analysis of relevance to European standards

Рurpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the degree of implementation of the Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) into domestic educational legislation. Methodology. The basis of the research methodology is the analysis of national educational legislation in terms of ensuring the quality of higher education and its comparison with ESG 2015. The following methods were used in the research process: logical-normative (to develop normative-legal acts), systemic-structural (to define and describe constituent parts of the higher education quality assurance system), comparative. Results. It has been established that a significant factor in the formation of the system of ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine during the war and post-war times is the European integration of our country, within the framework of which it is necessary to ensure the quality of higher education in Ukraine in accordance with ESG 2015. It has been proven that a systematic European approach to ensuring the quality of education found its implementation in the national legislation on higher education. According to its purpose and structure, the system of quality assurance of higher education in Ukraine corresponds to ESG 2015. A significant part of the mandatory elements of the system of external quality assurance of higher education, defined by ESG 2015, are enshrined in the educational legislation of Ukraine, in particular, the issues of institutional accreditation and post-accreditation monitoring are regulated, improved regulatory support for the system of appeals of decisions of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education and the his status, first of all, regarding its independence. Scientific novelty. The study is one of the first in which the current state of implementation of ESG 2015 in the domestic legislation on higher education was studied. Practical significance. Establishing the degree of implementation of ESG 2015 makes it possible to outline prospective tasks for ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine for further integration into the European area of higher education.

Key words: ESG 2015, European Higher Education Area, educational process, educational program, student-centered approach, learning, teaching and evaluation.


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