Issue № 8(20)
Andrusiv L. The peculiarities of the promulgation of the normative and legal acts of the local authorities
MoreIlyn L. The idea of «community» in the government concepts of Galicia of the XIX – beginning of the XX century
MoreKnysh V. Genesis of the institute of constitutional responsibility in the legal system of Kyiv Rus
MoreLutsky R. Family values as a fundamental basis for the establishment and development of the modern ukrainian state
MoreOnyshchuk I. Russian greek-catholic church: history, canonical status and legal regulation of activities
MoreSemyanyk O. Legal regulation of the issues of education and culture in the halicy of the first half of the ХІХ с
MoreShekhovtsov V. Transformation of religious worldviews through the prism of philosophical paradigms on the way to the humanization of faunistic law
MoreSvorak S. «Fundamentals of the state system of the Halych republic» in the context of the european constitutionalism
MoreVoronko O. Application of astrent under the legislation of certain countries of the European Union and Russia