Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 10(22)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.10.22.133-143 Babetska I.Ya. LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE BRAND PROTECTION IN UKRAINE AND WORLD


Purpose. The purpose of the scientific article is to establish the ratio of the meanings of the concepts “trademark”, “brand” and “well-known” trademark and then to characterize their common and distinctive features. Indicate the gaps in current legislation and the need to refine certain rules in this aspect to determine the aspects of protection and protection of the brand. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of appropriate conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, dialectical, logical-semantic, logical-normative, system-structural. Results: in the course of the conducted study, the main and optional components of the brand are determined, which make it possible to determine the features of its legal protection. It has been proved that despite a fairly wide range of domestic and international regulations, there are certain shortcomings of the brand protection mechanism. Originality. The study found that a trademark differs from a brand in that a trademark is a designation that is only the basis of the brand, as for the trademark are not essential such properties of the designation as a certain level of information among consumers and quality as a basis. gaining a reputation; the concept of “brand” is an evaluative, conditional concept, and therefore its consolidation at the regulatory level is impractical. It is sufficient to establish the factors on the basis of which the trademark can be considered “well known”. A “well-known” trademark is a designation that is familiar to a wide range of consumers through its use to designate certain goods. Practical importance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities for the purpose of legal regulation of public relations in the sphere of legal protection of the brand.

Key words: brand, intellectual property, trademark, sign for goods and services, brand legal protection, legal protection of the brand.


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