Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 18(30)

Blashchuk T. Non-discrimination and equality in healthcare: guarantees of implementation in international law and Ukrainian legislation

Blashchuk T. Non-discrimination and equality in healthcare: guarantees of implementation in international law and Ukrainian legislation


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of legal guarantees of non-discrimination and equality in healthcare in Ukraine and worldwide. The study aims to identify the main types of discrimination, their impact on access to healthcare services, and to develop recommendations for improving legislative mechanisms and policies. Methodology. The study was conducted through a comprehensive analysis of international and national legal acts regulating non-discrimination in healthcare.The following were used methods of scientific cognition, such as terminological, logical and semantic, comparative and legal, systemic and structural, and analytical. Results: The study found that discrimination on financial, territorial, gender and age grounds significantly limits access to healthcare services for socially vulnerable groups. The author emphasises the need to harmonise national legislation with international standards, which will contribute to the creation of an inclusive healthcare system. Priority areas of state policy have been identified, including investments in infrastructure modernisation, development of telemedicine, mobile health units and gender-sensitive approaches. Originality. It is established that ensuring non-discrimination in healthcare requires updating legal and organisational approaches. The author proposes a set of measures, including improvement of the legal framework, implementation of socially oriented programmes and development of intersectoral cooperation. Practical significance. The findings can be used in lawmaking and law enforcement activities, as well as in the development of social programmes to improve access to healthcare services for vulnerable populations.

Key words: non-discrimination, equality, healthcare, legal guarantees, medical services, international law, Ukraine, gender inequality, territorial inequality.


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