Issue № 18(30)
Dovhanych V. Legal mentality and causes of corruption in Ukraine
Dovhanych V. Legal mentality and causes of corruption in Ukraine
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the legal mentality of Ukrainian society as an important factor influencing the formation and spread of corruption, to identify its root causes, and to develop recommendations for overcoming this phenomenon through changes in legal consciousness and culture. Methods. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach that includes legal analysis and historical method to study the development of legal mentality and its impact on corruption. The methods of comparative analysis and expert survey are used to establish cause and effect relationships. Results. It is established that corruption in Ukraine remains one of the key obstacles to democratization, the rule of law and economic development. The analysis of the problem shows that the main factors of its spread are the historically formed legal mentality that tolerates violations of the law, low level of trust in state institutions and weak legal culture. This situation is complicated by the centuries-long influence of different legal systems that have entrenched the duality of legal consciousness – formal recognition of laws and the practical use of informal mechanisms. The effective fight against corruption is possible only through a systematic approach aimed at transforming the legal mentality of Ukrainians. This includes the introduction of ethics and integrity education programs, digitalization of public services to minimize the human factor, large-scale information campaigns to build public condemnation of corruption and ensure the inevitability of punishment for crimes. Particular attention should be paid to harmonizing legal norms with social values and their effective implementation. Originality. The author identifies the impact of legal mentality on the spread of corruption in Ukraine as one of the key obstacles to democratization and European integration. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further legal research and preparation of special courses.
Key words: mentality, legal mentality, legal consciousness, law, morality, legal culture
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