Issue № 7(19)
DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.7.19.89-95 Zhukevych I. Implementation of judicial control for implementing solutions in civil life
Zhukevych I. Implementation of judicial control for implementing solutions in civil life
Goal. The purpose of the work is to analyze the implementation of judicial control over the execution of decisions in civil cases as one of the guarantees of the protection of the rights of participants in enforcement proceedings. Method. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, logical-semantic, functional, system-structural, logical-normative. Results: in the course of the study, it was recognized that judicial control over the enforcement of decisions in civil matters should be considered in the “narrow” and “broad” understanding. In the order of civil proceedings should be fixed by analogy with the law of Art. 382 CAS Ukraine on the forms of judicial control over enforcement of decisions in administrative matters. Scientific novelty. In the course of the investigation, it was established that judicial control over the execution of decisions in civil cases is not only a procedure for considering complaints about decisions, actions or omissions of the executors, as well as permission (“sanctioning”) to commit certain procedural actions in the enforcement proceedings and consideration of claims that relate to the execution of court decisions and rulings. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in law-making and law enforcement activities when considering complaints about decisions, actions or inactivity of state and private executors in the course of civil proceedings.
Key words: judicial control, enforcement of judgments, civil cases, civil proceedings, enforcement proceedings, implementation of judicial control.
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