Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 8(20)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.8.20.8-14 Andrusiv L. The peculiarities of the promulgation of the normative and legal acts of the local authorities

Andrusiv L. The peculiarities of the promulgation of the normative and legal acts of the local authorities

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to formulate the peculiarities of the promulgation of the normative and legal acts by the local authorities and to identify problematic aspects on their basis.Methodics. The methodics involves a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available regulatory material and scientific positions and the formulation of the relevant features and problematic aspects.During the research the following methods of scientific cognition were used: dialectical, hermeneutic, historical-legal, prognostic, systemic and formal-legal one.Results. In the course of the research it was stated that for the promulgation of the normative and legal acts of the local authorities such features related to the Law of Ukraine «On Access to Public Information» and the need to specify the procedure and form of the promulgation are characteristic.Scientific novelty. The study identifies the problematic aspects of the promulgation of the normative and legal acts of the local authorities which are related to the lack of the technical and legal rules of the promulgation. Practical importance. The results of the study can be used to improve the normative and legal framework for promulgation and creation an effective system for accessing all the interested in acts people.

Key words: normative and legal act, local authorities, promulgation, forms of promulgation, decision, regulations


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5.  Procedure of promulgation of legal acts of executive bodies and officials of Kharkiv city council: approved by the decision of executive committee of Kharkiv city council № 358 (2017, June 18). Retrived from: (accessed 19 May 2019). (in Ukrainian)

6.  The procedure for publishing on the Internet information materials about the activities of the Vinnytsia City Council and its Executive Committee: approved by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Vinnytsia City Council № 1250 (2011, May 26). Retrived from: (accessed 24 July 2019). (in Ukrainian)

7.  On Access to Public Information: Law of Ukraine № 2939-VI  (2011, January 1.). Retrived from: (accessed 3 September 2019). (in Ukrainian)

8.  On Local Self-Government in Ukraine: Law of Ukraine № 280/97-VR (1997, May 21). Retrived from: (accessed 15 April 2019). (in Ukrainian)

9.  On the Procedure for Coverage of Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies in Ukraine by Mass Media: Law of Ukraine № 539/97-VR (1997, September 23). Retrived from: (accessed 15 April 2019). (in Ukrainian)

10. Regulations of the Odessa City Council of the VII convocation: approved by the decision of the Odessa City Council №1-VII (2015, November 11). Retrived from: (accessed 18 May 2019). (in Ukrainian)

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