Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 17(29)

Khodak S. Features of regulating property and non-property relations between ex-spouses

Khodak S. Features of regulating property and non-property relations between ex-spouses


Goal. Formation of conceptual theoretical provisions regarding the problems of legal regulation of property and personal non-property relations of spouses. Comprehensive analysis of Ukrainian legislation, court practice and doctrinal sources. Identification of gaps and contradictions in the legal regulation of property and personal non-property relations of former spouses.

Methodology. The methodological basis of the research was: general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, logical method of research, as well as such private scientific methods as formal-legal, the method of comparative jurisprudence, the method of technical-legal analysis.

The scientific novelty of the study is that it analyzes and summarizes the problem of settling property and personal non-property relations between former spouses.

The results. As a result of the analysis of the legislation establishing the regime of marital property, existing law enforcement practice and available theoretical studies in the specified field, a number of problems of legal regulation of the relations of former spouses were revealed.

Practical significance. The article proves that in order to improve the legal protection of the rights and interests of ex-spouses, it is necessary to develop recommendations for improving the legislation, aimed at a clearer and fairer regulation of property and personal non-property relations of ex-spouses. It is necessary to increase the level of legal literacy of the population on issues of legal regulation of property and personal non-property relations of former spouses, to promote the formation of a culture of peaceful resolution of conflicts.Recommendations have been developed to improve the work of state authorities and local self-government bodies in providing assistance to ex-spouses in solving their problems. The article formulates theoretical provisions designed to contribute to the improvement of the Family Code of Ukraine and other legal acts regulating personal non-property relations and relations of spouses regarding property.

Key words: marriage, family, personal non-property rights of spouses, personal non-property rights of parents and children, property rights of spouses, joint shared property, personal private property.


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