Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 17(29)

Kushnir I. Information support for administrative and jurisdictional activities of the state border guard service of Ukraine in relation to proceedings on administrative offences

Kushnir I. Information support for administrative and jurisdictional activities of the state border guard service of Ukraine in relation to proceedings on administrative offences


Objective. The article is devoted to the analysis of information support of administrative and jurisdictional activities in relation to proceedings on administrative offenses which are within the competence of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine under the Code of Administrative Offenses. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is formed by a set of philosophical, general scientific, sectoral and special scientific methods (dialectical, communicative, structural and functional, formal and logical, hermeneutical), which, when applied in a comprehensive manner, made it possible to achieve the purpose of the study. Results. The author reveals and characterizes the legal nature of information support for administrative and jurisdictional activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in relation to proceedings on administrative offenses through the content of certain system-forming terms. It is determined that information support of the administrative and jurisdictional activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine with regard to proceedings in cases of administrative offenses should be considered as creating conditions for information support of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses as one of the areas of administrative and jurisdictional activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The author establishes that such information support is relevant from the moment of detection of the fact of committing an administrative offense and until the execution of a decision in a case on administrative offenses. Scientific novelty. The author systematizes the understanding of information support for administrative and jurisdictional activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine with regard to proceedings on administrative offenses, and identifies its characteristic features. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in law-making and law enforcement activities in the course of proceedings on administrative offenses.

Key words: information support; administrative and jurisdictional activity; proceedings on administrative offenses; State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; administrative offenses.


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