Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 17(29)

Perepolkin S. The obligation of adult children to take care of their incapacitated parents: form and methods of fulfillment

Perepolkin S. The obligation of adult children to take care of their incapacitated parents: form and methods of fulfillment


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to present for scientific discussion the author’s approach to interpreting the form of establishing in Ukrainian law the obligation of adult children to care for their incapacitated parents, as well as to determine the ways of fulfilling this obligation. Methodology. The chosen methodology ensured the achievement of the defined research goal. For this purpose, the following scientific methods were used:historical and legal methods; systemic and structural methods; hermeneutic; method of legal comperance; analysis;synthesis. Results. Based on the results of the research, it is asserted that the obligation of adult children to care for their incapacitated parents is enshrined in Ukrainian law through legislation (Article 51 of the Constitution of Ukraine and Article 172 of the Family Code of Ukraine), rather than through morality. Scholars are recommended to stop opposing law and morality, which, according to the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in case No. 1-33/2004 dated November 2, 2004, No. 15-rp/2004, are related to each other as a whole and a part. The ways of fulfilling the obligation of adult children to take care of their incapacitated parents are voluntary fulfillment of the duty or compulsory fulfillment of the voluntarily unfulfilled duty, which may be enforced by court-ordered collection of funds to cover the expenses related to providing such care. Originality. The article provided an authorial approach to interpreting the form of the obligation of adult children to take care of their incapacitated parents in Ukrainian law, as well as defining the ways of its fulfillment. Within the article, the practice of judicial authorities in Ukraine was analyzed, and possible forms of direct fulfillment by adult children of the obligation to care for their incapacitated parents were summarized. Practical significance. The provisions outlined in the article can be used in further scientific research, legal practice, and educational processes.

Key words: adult children, incapacitated parents, legal obligation, moral obligation, care of parents, maintenance of parents, alimony obligations, ways of fulfilling the duty, voluntary fulfillment of the duty to care, compulsory fulfillment of the duty to care.


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