Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 17(29)

Pysmenska O. The qualifying features of minors’ corruption: a criminal law analysis

Pysmenska O. The qualifying features of minors’ corruption: a criminal law analysis


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to carry out a criminal law analysis of the features that qualify corruption of minors under Part 2 of Article 156 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and, on this basis, to determine the need for their improvement and to identify the areas for such improvement. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive review and synthesis of the existing research data on the characteristics that qualify corruption of minors and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. The following methods of scientific cognition were used in the study: comparison, abstraction, induction, analysis and synthesis, and systematic. Results. Based on the criminal law analysis of the qualifying features of minors’ corruption, the article provides scholarly results that make it possible to establish the existence of a number of legislative flaws that need to be eliminated. It is proved that, on the one hand, the number of such features should be increased, and on the other hand, the content of the currently provided features that qualify corruption of minors may be changed (clarified). This will ensure a more effective, differentiated impact on the offender. Originality. On the basis of the analysis, a number of new research findings have been made that are important for improving the quality of criminal legislation in Ukraine and for the progressive development of criminal law science. Particularly, the need to change the current state of legal regulation of the features that qualify corruption of minors is substantiated. Practical significance. The conclusions and proposals formulated in the article can be used in lawmaking activities to improve the criminal legislation of Ukraine, as well as in research activities, as a basis for further academic study of the issues of liability for criminal offenses against sexual inviolability.

Key words: Criminal Code; qualifying features of a criminal offense; corpus delicti of a criminal offense; corruption of minors; minor; family member; close relative; upbringing; care.


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