Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 17(29)

Svorak S., Ilyn L. Military doctrine in the state-legal paradigm of OUN-UPА

Svorak S., Ilyn L. Military doctrine in the state-legal paradigm of OUN-UPА


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to characterize the legal ideas of the OUN ideologues and to highlight the content of the military doctrine proposed by them. Method. The methodology includes the complex use of the problem-chronological approach, the principles of objectivity and historicism, as well as critical, comparative, logical, formal-legal and formal-historical methods. Results. The article provides an in-depth philosophical-theoretical and legal analysis of the origins of the war for independence, which Ukraine is waging today. It has been established that in the current hybrid war it is not possible to single out a pure theory of its origin, causes and prerequisites. Thus, among geographic theories, the main causes of wars are defined as the struggle of geographically and economically oppressed nations for “living space”, and cosmopolitan theories assert that wars are inevitable as long as there are sovereign nations that will defend their interests, and Marxist theory reveals exclusively economic and class causes of war. Analyzing and characterizing today, from the distance of 70-year history, the struggle of the OUN-UPA for the independence of the nation and the state and comparing our partisan war with the same wars of other nations, it is necessary to admit that the experience and nature of the partisan war took other forms that met the requirements and opportunities of the people This war even today forces the world to consider and respect our ability to fight, our readiness to protect national interests in the conditions that are formed by historical circumstances. At the same time, characterizing the achievements of the Army, we must objectively recognize that the successes in the war were the achievements of the entire nation, and the ideologist and leader of this struggle was the OUN, armed with the dominant ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of the works of the OUN ideologues, the content of the military doctrine, which was theoretically developed and practically implemented by the UPA during the Second World War, was traced. Practical significance. The conclusions and proposals published in the article can be used in further historical and legal research, preparation of special courses on the history of the state and law.

Key words: legal paradigm, war, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, nationalism, national liberation struggle.

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