Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 16(28)

Movchan R., Yanivsky V. Criminalization of willful failure to submit a declaration: pro at contra

Movchan R., Yanivsky V. Criminalization of willful failure to submit a declaration: pro at contra

Purpose. Obtaining a scientifically based answer to the question of the justification of the criminalization of such an act as the deliberate failure to submit a declaration, and formulating on this basis relevant proposals for improving the criminal legislation. In order to achieve the declared goal, an appropriate methodology was chosen, in particular, philosophical, general scientific and specifically scientific methods were used. Based on the results of writing the article, it was concluded that the criminalization of intentional failure to submit a declaration should be recognized as unfounded. In particular, it is concluded that a person’s disregard of the corresponding notification of the NAKC is a completely independent act, which in no way should affect the degree of public danger assessed by us for another, primary offense, which is the untimely submission of a declaration. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that it was proved that Art. 366-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine should be excluded due to the fact that the degree of public danger of intentional non-submission of the declaration provided for by it is insufficient to recognize this act as criminally illegal. Practical significance. Formulated conclusions can be used in: 1) rule-making activities – in the further improvement of the legislation dedicated to the regulation of responsibility for the intentional failure to submit a declaration; 2) in law enforcement activities – when delimiting the offenses provided for in Art. 366-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Part 1 of Art. 172-6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses; 3) in scientific activity – when conducting further scientific investigations of the relevant issues; 4) in educational activities – when teaching the disciplines of the criminal law cycle.

Key words: criminal responsibility, administrative responsibility, legal responsibility, information, declaration, declaration, delimitation, crime, criminal offense, intentional failure to submit a declaration, declaration of false information, official, official offences, national security.


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