Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 16(28)

Repetskyi S. Responsibility for crimes against humanity in international and national criminal legislation

Repetskyi S. Responsibility for crimes against humanity in international and national criminal legislation

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems of responsibility for crimes against humanity in international and national criminal legislation, proposals for the implementation of international norms in the national criminal legislation, as well as determination of positive and negative changes as a result of such implementation innovations. Methodology. The methodology includes a complex analysis and generalization of available scientific and theoretical, legislative material and formulation of relevant conclusions. Such methods of scientific knowledge during the research were used: comparative legal, logical-grammatical, system-structural, modeling. Results: It was recognized, that in the modern criminal legislation of Ukraine lackes the only criminal-legal norm that would provided responsibility for crimes against humanity. Mostly, crimes in this area are fixed in different parts of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which does not fully reflect everything social danger of these acts. In this connection, there was a need for a legislative enshrinement crimes against humanity in chapter XX of the Special part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, with the aim of effectively countering the commission of criminal offenses against peace, human and international security law and order, as well as fair punishment for criminal acts of the Russian military on the territory of Ukraine at the national level legislation. Scientific novelty. According to the results of the study, it was recognized such progressive provisions regarding actions related to encroachments on peace and security humanity and the international legal order, which can be taken into account in the future for legislative initiatives on criminal liability for criminal offenses in this area. Practical significance. The research results can be used in law-making activities by improvement of the national criminal legislation on criminal offenses against peace, security of humanity and the international legal order, as well as in the educational process during the teaching and studying of the academic disciplines «International criminal law», «Actual problems of criminal law and process» and «Criminal law of Ukraine. A Special part».

Key words: crimes against humanity, criminal offenses against peace, enforced disappearance, attack, implementation.


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