Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 10(22)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.10.22.154-163 Krykhovetskyi I.S., Kosmii M.M., Lutskyi R.P., Botsyurko V.I., Kasiyanchuk V.D. LEGAL SUPPORT OF THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION OF HEALTH AND THERAPEUTIC PROPHYLACTIC PURPOSE


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the basics of current legislation in the field of production of treatment and prevention products from local raw materials and to determine the legal mechanisms for improving the basic principles of positive law in the practical plane of the production process. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of existing practical, scientific-theoretical, practical-applied material and the formation of relevant conclusions and proposals. The following methods of scientific cognition were used during the research: dialectical, system-structural, terminological, system-functional, historical, normative-dogmatic, method of generalization. Originality. In the course of the research the health-improving and treatment-and-prophylactic properties of fruit-berry and vegetable powders (concentrates) made according to the developed by scientists of King Daniel University in creative collaboration with scientists of the National Medical University of modern, innovative, universal, waste-free technologies and successfully» іn the village Olesha of Tlumach district. Scientific novelty. In the course of the research it was established that the authors systematized and generalized the levels of legal regulation in the field of production and sale of treatment and prevention products and its use to strengthen the immune system and more effective fight against viruses. Practical importance. The results of research can be used in law-making and law-enforcement activities on the production and sale of health and medical products.

Key words: legal regulation, standards, certification, positive law, agrarian law, natural resource law, floristic law, ecological law, vitamins, microelements, medical prevention, immunostimulation.


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14. On flora: Law of Ukraine (1999, April 9). Retrieved from: (in Ukrainian)

15. On medicines: Law of Ukraine (1996, April 4). Retrieved from: (in Ukrainian)

16. On the production and circulation of organic agricultural products and raw materials: Law of Ukraine (1996, April 4). Retrieved from: (in Ukrainian)

17. On the quality and safety of food and food raw materials: Law of Ukraine (1997, December 24). Retrieved from: (in Ukrainian)

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