Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 11(23)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2021.11.23.146-158 Khodak S. Forms of protection of interests in family law

Khodak S. Forms of protection of interests in family law

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the forms of protection of interests in family law. It is also necessary to disclose the features of forms of protection of interests in family law, and consideration of jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional forms of their protection. Methodology. Among the philosophical, general and special scientific methods used such as is the technical and legal method, which is used in the study of methods and forms of protection of interests in family law. Scientific novelty is that the article states that under the form of protection of interests in Family law should be understood as an internally agreed set of family law-based organizational and other measures carried out within a single type of procedures, agreed on a common goal, aimed at preventing, terminating violations and restoring them, by a special jurisdiction The study further developed the provision that the list of ways to protect family interests should go beyond the Family Code, be open, which determines the possibility of their protection in other ways not prohibited by law. Under the jurisdictional form of protection of interests in family law means e activity of the bodies authorized by the state on protection of family rights and interests of participants of family relations. The bodies that provide such protection include: the court, guardianship authorities, notary and prosecutor. The universality of the judicial form of protection of interests in family law is substantiated. At the same time, an approach has been adopted, according to which not only the violated interest is subject to protection, but also such an interest, which has not been violated at the time of protection in order to prevent violation. A non-jurisdictional form of protection of family interests is a factual action that a subject of family law commits to protect his or her own interest or the interest of another person without recourse to the relevant jurisdictions. Results. The author singles out two ways of exercising the right to self-defense of interest in family law: 1) self-defense of one’s interest; 2) self-defense of another person’s interest. The article proves the effectiveness of mediation as a jurisdictional form of protection of family interests. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in lawmaking to improve legislation in the field of legal regulation of the category of interest; in the educational process – in the development of textbooks, teaching materials on the subject “Family Law of Ukraine”.

Key words: interest, private interests, public interests, legitimate interest, subjective law, presumption, jurisdictional form of protection, non-jurisdictional form of protection.


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