Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 11(23)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2021.11.23.181-188. Repetskyi S. Criminal offenses of terrorist direction in criminal legislation of foreign countries

Repetskyi S. Criminal offenses of terrorist direction in criminal legislation of foreign countries
Purpose. The purpose of the work is to study the criminal offenses of terrorism in the criminal law of foreign countries and to outline the limits of the use of its positive assets.
The methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of existing scientific and theoretical material and formulation of relevant conclusions. The following methods of scientific cognition were used during the research: comparative-legal, logical-grammatical, system-structural, modeling.

Results In the course of the research it was recognized that in the criminal legislation of foreign countries there is no single approach to the definition of criminal offenses of terrorist orientation. In most European countries, prosecution is provided not only in the criminal code, but also in special laws to combat this phenomenon. At the same time, increased attention is paid to the fight against terrorist financing and incitement to terrorism. Also noteworthy is the attribution to terrorism of a significant number of illegal acts, which without a terrorist purpose constitute independent criminal offenses (murder, bodily harm, riots, robbery, damage to important public buildings, kidnapping, etc.). Originality. In the course of the research it is scientifically substantiated to divide the legislation on liability for criminal offenses of terrorist orientation into three models: 1) complex (combination of criminal law and specially defined for counter-terrorism legislation); 2) criminal law; 3) criminological, in which the fight against terrorism is reflected only in specialized legislation. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities in further improving the national criminal law on terrorist offenses, as well as in the educational process during the teaching and study of disciplines “Special part of criminal law of Ukraine” and “Criminology”.

Key words: terrorism, terrorist act, criminal offenses of terrorist orientation, criminal legislation of foreign countries, prevention of terrorism.


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