Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 12(24)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2021.12.24.29-36 Didych T. Prospects for the development of law-formation in Ukraine through the prism of the application of the prognostic method of research

Didych T. Prospects for the development of law-formation in Ukraine through the prism of the application of the prognostic method of research

The author analyzes doctrinal approaches to characterizing the prospects for the development of law-formation in Ukraine. The methodological inadequacy of ensuring the study of the prospects of development of legal phenomena, including lawmaking, is noted. It is noted that law-formation as a socio-legal phenomenon is due to various factors of its development, is influenced by the peculiarities of society as a sphere of its existence, and the state as a central subject of law-making. This conditionality of the process of law formation characterizes such dialectical regularities as the presence of prospects for development and the ability to improve legally significant activities, including activities in the field of law enforcement. Prospects for the development of law-formation as its integral property, reflects the relevant qualitative changes in the process and content of the law-formation, occurring within the temporal boundaries and characterize the law-formation as a phenomenon that has the dynamics of its development.

These characteristics of the law-formation are most thoroughly and comprehensively disclosed in terms of prognostic method of scientific research, because, on the one hand, based on temporal properties and due to relations between subjects, changes in their content that form the basis of law, and on the other hand, they are manifested at the level of legal institutions (the process of law-formation, norms of law, legal regulation, the subjective composition of law-making, etc.). In this regard, the issue of prospects for the development of lawmaking and ways to improve it in terms of improving the process of law formation, identification and consideration of objective laws of its development, improving the quality of law, the quality of its expression, the effectiveness of public relations is important. scientific rethinking in order to develop scientific knowledge about the prospects of law, ways to improve both the process of its formation and improve the quality of law itself. Based on the analysis of scholars’ views on the problem of studying law-formation in modern conditions of development of Ukrainian society, the cognitive perspectives of application of the prognostic method of studying law-making in Ukraine are established. Prospects for the development and ways to improve law-formation as independent theoretical and legal aspects of knowledge of law education require the isolation and further application of the prognostic method of research, which is potentially able to: first, to reveal lawmaking through the prism of its development; secondly, to reveal in the most comprehensive way the objective and subjective aspects that determine the future qualitative state of the law-formation, to determine the ways of influencing the formation of law to increase its level; thirdly, to structure the development of law-formation in separate directions.

Key words: law-formation, law-making, prospects of law-making development, forecast, prognostic method.


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