Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 14(26)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2022.14.26.97-110 Apanasenko K. Regarding the preventive protection of public interests in a field of urban planning

Apanasenko K. Regarding the preventive protection of public interests in a field of urban planning

The article aims to conduct a theoretical analysis of an issue of a possibility of the preventive protection of public interests, in particular, on an example of economic legal relations in the field of urban planning. The research methodology has included a generalization of theoretical approaches to understanding the concepts of “public interests” and “preventive protection of rights” (including in a field of economic law and procedural legal science), available in legal science, research a content of public interests in the field of urban planning and further analysis of a legal nature of rights and the interests that state architectural and construction control bodies defend in court, and a nature of the respective lawsuits. At the same time, terminological, systemic-structural, legal-dogmatic methods and interdisciplinary analysis were applied. The results. The author expressed a working hypothesis about a possibility of going to court with preventive lawsuits, which will protect not only private rights and interests, but also public interests, and proved it with arguments on the example of lawsuits by SACC bodies in the field of urban planning. It is substantiated that a number of lawsuits that may be brought to court by SACC bodies may have the purpose of preventive protection of public interests in the sustainable development of the community territory, prevention of possible harm to the life and health of citizens, the property of individuals and legal entities and the surrounding natural environment, cultural/ archeological heritage. The author also substantiated the existence of a public interest in compliance with legislation, which is transformed into an interest in ensuring legal economic order in the field of economy. In domestic scientific literature the issue of preventive protection of public interests was generally not objectively analyzed, which constitutes the scientific novelty of the conducted research. The results of the study contribute to the scientific study of the issue of the protection of public interests in court and the preventive protection of rights and interests in court, which will further contribute to the justification of changes to the procedural legislation on the possibility of preventive judicial protection of public interests. This is the practical significance of the work.

Key words: preventive protection, public interests, interests in the field of economy, urban planning, SACC bodies, judicial protection of interests, spontaneous construction.


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