Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 14(26)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2022.14.26.144-148 Shevchuk L. Mode of separate residence. The path to divorce or preservation family relations? Its legal consequences

Shevchuk L. Mode of separate residence. The path to divorce or preservation family relations? Its legal consequences

Purpose. The article highlights such a concept as the regime of separate residence, its priority levers, which, by their legal norm, provide spouses with advantages in terms of safety in the face of the unknown of tomorrow, minimization of conflict situations in the future, regarding property relations, or avoiding controversial issues inherent in the family, so and providing an opportunity to properly review the values of family life, reinterpretation of the past, the need to preserve future relationships, how not to traumatize children who, as you know, do not want to understand why parents do not live together. Method. The scientific and theoretical material is analyzed and summarized. In the process of research, such methods of scientific knowledge as comparative, systemic and structural were observed. Results. В процесі проведеного дослідження, проаналізовано очевидність режиму окремого проживання, його доцільність та характерну правову роль майнових відносин для подружжя вцілому, а також,  отримання можливості щодо перегляду збереження подальших шлюбних відносин чоловіка і жінки чи навпаки розірвання шлюбних відносин, як таких, які не мають підстав для подальшого розвитку. Scientific novelty. Drawing a parallel with the legal field of the Western world, it is expedient to point out that the regime of separate residence for our country is a very relevant page and far from being practically applied. In this context, one can outline perhaps the main feature that is characteristic of our average family, eager to break off the relationship rather than see each other, at the same time rejecting any further end result. Practical significance. Regarding the research results and conclusions, we can say that they can really be applied or taken into account in law enforcement practice, in the field of judicial and pre-trial proceedings.

Key words. Separate residence regime, property relations, spouses.


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