Issue № 7(19)
DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.7.19.26-32 Dovhanych V. Contents, structure and functions of legal ideology
Dovhanych V. Contents, structure and functions of legal ideology
Purpose. The purpose of our study is to determine the content, structure and functions of legal ideology in the context of its historical and legal study. Method. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of theoretical and source material and further formulation of the relevant conclusions and recommendations. For the objectivity of the study, a complex of general scientific, special-legal, special-historical and philosophical methods of scientific knowledge, principles of objectivity, systemicity and comprehensiveness are used. Results. It is established that legal ideology is a set of legal ideas, theories, views, which in a conceptual, systematic form reflect and assess the legal reality. The practical significance of legal ideology is revealed through its place in the structure of legal policy. Through it, the main achievements in the field of law and fixed forms of the desired legal future are concentrated. Legal ideology has an effect on the consciousness and will of man in various ways: moral, value, normative. Scientific novelty. In this paper, the main views of the theorists and philosophers of law are systematized in relation to the content, structure and functions of legal ideology, as well as specific features of the study of its genesis in a particular historical epoch. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further historical-legal and philosophical-legal studies, preparation of special courses.
Key words: legal ideology, legal system, legal culture, system of values, historical and legal research, legal policy, model of legal life.
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