Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 7(19)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.7.19.16-25 Humeniuk T. Comparative legal research of constitutionalism of Ukraine, France and Germany

Humeniuk T. Comparative legal research of constitutionalism of Ukraine, France and Germany

Purpose .The purpose of this scientific article is a comparative research of Ukrainian, French and German constitutionalism. Methodic. Anumber of methods constitute the basis of research.Systemic-structural and systemic-functional methods formed the basis of research of the structure of the main constitutional institutions of Ukrainian and foreign constitutionalism and the forms of interaction between them. Specifically historical and historical-legal methods were used in the research of genesis of Ukrainian, French and German constitutionalism. Comparative-legal method was applied while carrying out their comparative analysis. Generalization method was used to formulate the author’s conclusions. Results: it isauthor’s conviction that Ukrainian constitutionalism needs to be improved in the areaof effective interaction between Parliament, the government and President while considering the experience of French constitutionalism, and between Parliament and the government using example of German constitutionalism. Scientific novelty: lies in the factthat the author has improved the model of interactions between the branches of Ukraine based on the conducted research using experience of French and German constitutionalism. Besides, the study about the deepening of interaction between central and local authorities received further development. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of carrying out the next stages of constitutional reform in Ukraine, as well as the scientific and theoretical basis for further scientific research.

Key words: comparative law, constitution, constitutionalism, Ukrainian constitutionalism, French constitutionalism, German constitutionalism, constitutional model, constitutional reform.


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