Issue № 8(20)
DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.8.20.78-87 Shekhovtsov V. Transformation of religious worldviews through the prism of philosophical paradigms on the way to the humanization of faunistic law
Shekhovtsov V. Transformation of religious worldviews through the prism of philosophical paradigms on the way to the humanization of faunistic law
Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the religious and ideological paradigms in the context of human attitude to the animal world, to identify the main positions of this influence and to find ways to change the existing paradigm. Methodology. The methodology involves a comprehensive analysis and generalization of available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. During the research the following methods of scientific cognition were used: historical, historical-legal, dialectical, systemic-structural, hermeneutic. Results. The research revealed that the only way to change the legal paradigm, the principles of legal regulation of both environmental and faunistic sphere, should be a comprehensive approach to improve the organizational and legal mechanisms, in connection with the spiritual revival of the nation, consolidation in the mentality and justice of the people careful treatment of wild fauna, awareness of the value of animals and their rights, including the right to life. Originality. The study found that the moral and ethical responsibilities of each person exerted a primary influence on the formation of the outlook of each nation in relation to the faunistic world. This is what society needs, first and foremost, and today, the transition from the domination of the ideology of anthropological concepts to the concept of biocentrism by changing the value orientations in the aspect of human attitude to animals, is a modern necessity in restoring the natural rights of animals and achieving their joint harmonious development. It is emphasized the need for new worldview concepts and the revival of the spiritual culture of man, which would not contradict the moral and ethical principles of man’s attitude to fauna. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in law-making and enforcement activities in the development and implementation of updated environmental legislation.
Key words: wild fauna, wildlife protection, anthropocentrism, bioethics, environment, religion.
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