Issue № 8(20)
DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.8.20.62-70 Sposib D. Legal opinion and organization of Security Service activities OUN (b)
Sposib D. Legal opinion and organization of Security Service activities OUN (b)
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the nature and specifics of the organization of the Security Service of OUN as well as to determine the list of documents that governed its competence and activities. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical approach to the analysis of the ratio of general, special and separate, general scientific and special scientific methods of research: historical, logical, comparative-legal, system-structural, formal-legal, functional methods. Results. The organizational structure of the Security Service OUN was formed in accordance with the tasks that were set before it. The construction of the structure of the special unit was mainly based on the territorial-functional principle. Vertical Construction of an Organization: It reflects its hierarchical system, built on the principle of wholly subordination of lower organizational cells to higher ones. The WB referents were part of the territorial wires, but had a separate organizational unit. According to the functions assigned to them, the Security Service OUN divisions were divided into administrative, intelligence, counterintelligence, police-investigative, combat, sabotage-investigative, elementary-education and technical units. Scientific novelty. The foundations of the organization and activities of the Security Service OUN, in the absence of its own statehood, were governed not by legal acts, but by a wide range of instructions and orders, and even verbal instructions. The main forms of orders were: instructions, instructions, coaching. From the end of 1945 correspondence between the leaders of the OUN (b) took on the role of command, instruction and reporting documentation. Practical importance. The results, conclusions and scientific provisions formulated by the author can be used in the further scientific development of the issues raised in order to improve the current legislation and activities of the Security Service of Ukraine.
Key words: OUN Security Service, Refereeing, Counterintelligence, Intelligence, Fighter.
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