Issue № 8(20)
DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.8.20.71-78 Stechyshyn A. Genesis of views on the state and the law of K. Levitsky
Stechyshyn A. Genesis of views on the state and the law of K. Levitsky
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main stages and factors that influenced the state-legal views of K. Levitsky. Method. The methodology includes an analysis of the narrative base as well as the epistolary heritage of K. Levtsky, with further generalization and formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. For the objectivity of the study, a set of general scientific, special-legal, special-historical and philosophical methods of scientific cognition, as well as the principles of objectivity, historicism, systematicity and comprehensiveness were used. Results. It is established that K. Levytsky has made a lot of important cases for the development of Ukrainian public organizations and the creation of individuals and legal entities of rural entrepreneurship, and in a number of his developments of the norms of electoral, civil, tax law he made many amendments and achieved their adoption in the parliament, which greatly facilitated the lives of Galician Ukrainians. The main content of his educational, social, economic, political, advocacy and parliamentary activity was to ensure that the Ukrainians of Eastern Galicia did not stiffen in their ethnographic self-identification, did not stop in their political national self-awareness, but rose to the legal understanding of the ways of building the Ukrainian-democratic national liberation European model. Scientific novelty. The article highlights the objective and subjective factors influencing K. Levitsky’s views on the state and law, his advocacy and parliamentary initiatives within the walls of the imperial parliament. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further historical and legal studies, preparation of special courses.
Key words: state-legal views, K. Levitsky, views on the state and law, law-making activity, advocacy.
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