Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 9(21)

DOI:10.33098/2078-6670.2020.9.21.74-79 Shevchuk L. Marriage contract in Ukraine as a deterrent lever spouses at divorce

Shevchuk L. Marriage contract in Ukraine as a deterrent lever spouses at divorce

Goal.The purpose of this article is to consider and highlight the benefits of a marriage contract, a vision of the motivating factor in the practical plane of property relations of spouses. Method.The methodology involves a comprehensive analysis and generalization of available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. The following methods of scientific cognition were used during the research: system-structural, comparative. Results.In the course of the research, the legal protection, preference and, to a certain extent, the stability of the married couple against the challenges of the present were established, which minimized the negativity of the property consequences of divorce by concluding a marriage contract. A comparative parallel of thoughts in the expediency of the representative at the conclusion of the marriage contract is conducted. Scientific novelty. At present, for the citizens of Ukraine, the very fact of the conclusion of marriage contracts is not yet common, a certain novelty of the European world. Therefore, everything related to the concept of “marriage contract” is a novelty and the basis for a detailed explanation to families what exactly constitutes this normative document, its main advantages. Practical importance.The results of the study, the findings, can be applied or taken into account in the law enforcement practice in the field of family law.

Keywords:marriage agreement, form of marriage contract, content of marriage contract, terms of marriage contract, representative.


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