Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 9(21)

DOI:10.33098/2078-6670.2020.9.21.80-85 Schevchuk M., Verkalets S., Schevchuk S., Danylyshyn M. Violation of the conditions of the insolution regime in trends of modern construction

Schevchuk M., Verkalets S., Schevchuk S., Danylyshyn M. Violation of the conditions of the insolution regime in trends of modern construction

Purpose. The purpose of the work is analysis of violations of natural lighting conditions (insolation) in residential buildings, because in the modern conditions of construction the role of direct sunlight as a natural health factor has increased significantly, multi-storied buildings in cities are becoming increasingly detached from natural conditions. Method. The methodology is based on a comprehensive and objective analysis of the SSTC-R B normative document R.2.2-27: 2010 “Guidance on the Calculation of Civilian Object Insolation”.Results.It has been investigated during the process of analysis that the regulation and calculation of insolation is the most acute economic and social-legal problem. With the transition of land usage and construction to the market basis, building insulation rates have become a major factor in holding back investors, landlords and tenants from seeking to redevelop urban development in order to maximize profits.Scientific novelty. Imperfect normalization was found under the current conditions in the course of the research, which can lead to serious errors in the design and evaluation of the insulation regime of the apartment and the house as a whole.The maximum shade mask of a new home shall correspond to the maximum possible height of the projected house or to the combination of the maximum heights of each individual section at which the insolation regime in the premises of the existing house or in the surrounding area shall meet the regulatory requirements or shall not deteriorate during the normalized period of insolation. If the insolation is interrupted more than once, then for the estimated duration of the insolation, the sum of the duration of the two largest insolation periods should be taken.Practical meaning. The results of the study may be useful in further studies of violation of natural light conditions, as well as the impact of residential development on insolation processes.

Keywords: insulation, normalization of insolation processes, compaction of residential development.


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