Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 13(25)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2022.13.25.172-183 Khodak S. Abuse of interest in family law

Khodak S. Abuse of interest in family law

Purpose. The aim of the research is to solve the scientific task of doctrinal development of regulation of interests in family law, to determine the criteria for building a hierarchy of interests in family and family law, to investigate the relationship between private and public interests in family law and to consider issues of abuse of family interests. Methodology. Among the philosophical, general and special scientific methods used are such as: logical-semantic method for in-depth clarification of the criteria for the division of interests in family law, formal-logical and system-structural methods used in making judgments, analyzing the content of current family law. legislation on the basis of which the legal regulation of the construction of interest in family law. The scientific novelty is that the article improves the concept of independence of interest from subjective family law and the criteria for their delimitation, which is based on the approach that interest is a prerequisite for the emergence of subjective family law, in the absence of the right to demand appropriate behavior from others persons with no specific legal obligations. It is stated that the balance of interests of each individual family member is formed in accordance with the principle of equality, which is inherent in family law, taking into account the priority interests of individual family members (children, pregnant women, disabled, etc.). The hierarchy of interests in the family and their dynamic nature have been further developed.Attention is paid to the study of the category of “abuse of rights”, as well as the impact of interest on it. Results. The author investigates the connection between public and private interests and, accordingly, the exclusion of the possibility of abuse of state interests in relation to the interests of other subjects of family law. When these interests collide, the priority of the interests of society can take place only if the interests of the individual are ensured, which is achieved by legislative establishment of maximum guarantees for citizens, which exclude the possibility of abuse of their rights. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in lawmaking to improve legislation in the field of legal regulation of the category of interest; in the educational process – in the development of textbooks, teaching materials in the discipline “Family Law of Ukraine”.

Key words: interest, private interests, public interests, abuse of rights, abuse of interest, interest, subjective law.


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