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Івано-Франківського університету імені Короля Данила Галицького

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DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2022.13.25.184-188 Shevchuk L. Mediation as an alternative to acceptance conflict-free solutions. Law of Ukraine on mediation

Shevchuk L. Mediation as an alternative to acceptance conflict-free solutions. Law of Ukraine on mediation

Purpose. This article highlights the fundamental advantages of this method of alternative dispute resolution, conflict situations, such as mediation, provides a kind of analysis of the worldview of scientists, and the vision of development experts and the possibility of its practical application in the legal field of our state. the rules of force majeure decisions applied by him from more painful to loyal smoothing relations. Method. The analysis and generalization of scientific and theoretical material is carried out. In the process of research the following methods of scientific knowledge were followed: system-structural, comparative. Results. In the course of the study, significant differences and in turn the practical advantages of alternative methods of dispute resolution were considered, in contrast to the judicial system, which is really seen in the mobility of the process, minimizing costs, both time and financial, and maintaining further relations between the parties. is an important factor in the favorable atmosphere of the economy as a whole. Scientific novelty. In the world of Western society, so-called alternative methods of dispute resolution, or in other words pre-trial settlement, have long been promoted. We cannot say that they are really unknown to our state. Rather, it can be noted that they are not as practically applied, as our society is still to some extent engaged in a purely judicial process, with persistent categoricalness, unwillingness of at least one of the parties to the conflict (usually the debtor in obligation) to fulfill its obligations. languages. Practical significance. The results of the study, the conclusions, can be applied or taken into account in law enforcement practice in the field of both judicial and pre-trial proceedings.

Key words. Mediation, mediator, aspects of mediation, alternative methods.


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Івано-Франківського університету права імені Короля Данила Галицького