Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 13(25)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2022.13.25.69-75 Krykhovetskyi I. Theoretically go to the review of history of Ukrainian parliamentarism

Krykhovetskyi I. Theoretically go to the review of history of Ukrainian parliamentarism

Purpose. The aim of our study is to identify theoretical approaches and characterize key concepts in the context of studying the history of Ukrainian parliamentarism, on the example of representative authorities created in the Habsburg Empire in the second half of the ХІХ – early ХХ century. Method. The methodological basis of the study was a set of general scientific, special scientific and historical methods, as well as the principles of historicism and objectivity. Results. Key theoretical and categorical-conceptual approaches to the study of the history of Ukrainian parliamentarism are revealed. The etymology of the concept of parliamentarism is determined, as well as the historical tradition of the formation of parliamentary institutions in Ukraine in the XIX – early XX centuries. We tend to believe that the origins of classical parliamentarism in Ukraine should be sought in the second half of the nineteenth century, when in Galicia and Bukovina, under the influence of constitutional changes, regional parliaments were established, which became the highest representative authorities in the region. Naturally, this was not a Ukrainian form of parliamentarism, but the practical experience gained by Ukrainians within the walls of the Galician and Bukovinian Seimas, as well as the imperial parliament, was extremely important. Scientific novelty. It is established that the theoretical basis for the study of the Galician Seimas is the concept of parliamentarism, rule-making activities, allegations, etc. All of them, first of all, point out that the regional seimas was a classic example of a representative body of power with pronounced legislative functions. Secondly, it is argued that the Galician and Bukovinian Seimas were the first classical parliamentary institutions to involve Ukrainian ambassadors. In addition, the existence of the Seimas had a significant impact on the society of that time, because the existing electoral system provided for the involvement of broad sections of society in political processes. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further historical and legal research, preparation of special courses.

Key words: parliamentarism, history of the state, regional seimas, rule-making activity, easement, allegates, propination.


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