Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 15 (27). Vol 1

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2023. Humeniuk T. Features of the transformation of legal theory under martial law

Humeniuk T. Features of the transformation of legal theory under martial law

Purpose. The aim of this work is to discuss the features of the functioning of legal theory and scientific activities under martial law. Methodology. The research is based on the analytical method, which is used to diagnose problems and generate hypotheses for their solutions. The methodology also includes critical thinking and evaluation of facts and data related to the research. The systemic and functional method was used to research the objectives of law degree education, changes in the legislation system in the conditions of war. The generalization method was used to systematize and interpret the results obtained during the research. Results. The study has provided the acknowledgement that scientific research in the field of law should be focused on the needs of our state under martial law. In such conditions, law degree education cannot be passive, but rather must significantly and dynamically influence the environment by forming a civilized democratic legal field. This is its positive role and educational mission. In view of this, the model of a legal specialist, who will meet the requirements for future legal professionals, as well as the model of their training should be clearly outlined. Scientific novelty. In the process of research, it was established that one of the priority issues of legal development in the conditions of war includes the problems of proper legal provision of national security, i.e. the state of security of man and the citizen as well as spiritual and material values of society from criminal and other illegal intrusions, emergency situations of natural and man-made nature, social conflicts within society, the risk of which increases significantly in the conditions of war. Under martial law, most elements of the rule of law are negatively affected in the form of relevant restrictions, the necessity of which is objective in nature due to the need to prevent global threats to the independence and territorial integrity of the state; to repel armed aggression; to ensure national security; to fight against real and potential threats to the rights and human freedoms. At the same time, in the context of the rule of law, the specified restrictions, firstly, should not relate to absolute (natural) human rights and freedoms, and secondly, they should be properly justified and correspond to the stated purpose of introducing martial law. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used for the methodology of scientific research.

Key words: legal theory, martial law, change in the paradigm of Ukrainian law, science of constitutional law, protection of human rights, armed aggression of the russian federation, national security of the state.


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