Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 15 (27). Vol 1

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2023. Movchan R. Criminal liability for smuggling of «special» items: legislative realities and perspectives (on the example of forest smuggling)

Movchan R. Criminal liability for smuggling of «special» items: legislative realities and perspectives (on the example of forest smuggling)

Purpose. Solving the issue of firstly, the expediency of singling out a separate rule on forest smuggling, and secondly, the correctness of its location among criminal offenses in the field of economic activity, which should further help to form scientifically based recommendations on the directions of development of legislation on criminal liability for smuggling “special” items. To achieve the declared goals, a methodology was chosen, the tools of which made it possible to objectively investigate the decision of the legislator under consideration. In particular, philosophical, general scientific and specifically scientific methods were used during the coverage of the relevant issues. For example, the method of system-structural analysis was used both in the study of the connections of the analyzed criminal law prohibition with the legal system of Ukraine in general, and with other norms of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The comparativist method made it possible to compare relevant provisions of domestic and foreign criminal legislation. Based on the results of writing this article, recommendations were formulated aimed at improving the criminal legislation in terms of countering the smuggling of “special” objects, in particular the smuggling of forest. The scientific novelty is that it was proved for the first time that at the current stage of the development of criminal legislation, it is expedient to allocate a separate norm on smuggling of “special” items, which should be the regulation of liability for smuggling of wood. Practical significance. The conclusions and suggestions formulated in the article can be used in the rule-making activities for the improvement of the criminal legislation of Ukraine regarding countering the investigated criminal offenses, by the developers of the project of the new CC, as well as in scientific research activities and the educational process – as a basis for further scientific studies of the problems of criminal responsibility for committing smuggling.

Key words: smuggling, forest, weapons, drugs, economic relations, economic activity, public safety, environment, crime, criminal responsibility, subject.


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