Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 15 (27). Vol 1

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2023. Zvarych R., Kaleniuk O. The modern concept of the nation state

Zvarych R., Kaleniuk O. The modern concept of the nation state

Purpose. The purpose of the work is to determine the modern understanding of the theoretical and legal concept of the national state. Method. The following theoretical methods of scientific knowledge were used during the research: the method of scientific analysis; systemic and structural; historical and legal; axiological; comparative legal; formal-legal and method of generalization. The results. In the scientific article, based on the analysis of current sources of literature on a certain issue, the process of formation and functioning of the modern concept of the national state is highlighted. In particular, it is substantiated that modern domestic and foreign concepts of the development of nation states are based on two actually existing dimensions: national and supranational. The process of globalization in modern conditions creates new forms of governance and creates new approaches to determining state sovereignty, but states are still the main subject of international legal relations, since the creation and functioning of such subjects as transnational corporations and international organizations is determined by decisions of states Scientific novelty. According to the results of the study, it was established that the national state is a political organization of society, which is the highest value of modern civilization, the latest concept of which is based on the past, present and future, it is based on ideas and values of cultural, spiritual, historical, territorial homogeneity and a single level of economic development At the current stage of the development of human civilization, the national state acts as a model and standard of the modern state, ensuring the development and consolidation of the democratic foundations of society. The strategic goal of the modern concept of the nation-state at the international level should be the national-state interest as the main means of implementing foreign policy, while, as modern reality shows, primarily in the military and defense sphere. Practical significance. The results of the research can be useful for further general theoretical and applied studies of modern problems of the formation and functioning of the theoretical and legal concept of the national state.

Key words: national state, nation, ethnos, people, national sovereignty, globalization, integration.


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