Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 15 (27). Vol 2

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2023. Andrukhiv O. Violation of the rights of minors in the soviet period

Andrukhiv O. Violation of the rights of minors in the soviet period

Purpose. The purpose of our research is to reveal the main forms of violation of the rights of minors in the Soviet period. Method. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of theoretical and source material and further formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the principles of objectivity and systematicity were used, as well as general scientific, special-legal and special-historical methods of scientific knowledge: analysis, synthesis, comparative, functional-legal, system-historical. Results. In our opinion, the key reasons for the development and spread of child homelessness in the first post-war decade in the Ukrainian SSR were: the consequences of the Second World War; specifics of state policy; social instability; difficult financial situation of the population; crisis of the family and the system of family values. In the late 1920s and 1930s, numerous special settlements were created in Siberia. In May 1930 alone, more than 56,000 people were evicted to the Urals. Mortality and injury rates were high among deportees and prisoners, especially among minors. The scale of the violation of the rights of minors increased in the conditions of the Second World War, when both mortality and deportation processes were high. It has been proven that the norm of the Soviet legislation regarding the extension of the norms of criminal law to persons over the age of 12 can be considered a real crime. Scientific novelty. A historical and legal retrospective of the implementation of the Soviet policy in relation to minors, in particular orphans and homeless children, was carried out. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in further historical and legal studies, preparation of special courses.

Key words: children’s rights, minors, homeless children, children’s correctional institutions, the Soviet state.


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