Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 11(23)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2021.11.23.113-124. Humeniuk T. Crisis process in the development of European Countries at the current stage of the EU

Humeniuk T. Crisis process in the development of European Countries at the current stage of the EU

Aim. The aim of the article is to analyze the issues of the relationship between the phenomena of convergence and divergence on the basis of the activities of the European Union. Methodology. The methodology involves a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical material on this subject, as well as formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. The following methods of scientific cognition were used in the research process: dialectical, terminological, formal and logical, comparative and legal, system and functional methods. Results. The study found that the crisis process observed in the development of the EU has given impetus not only to Euroscepticism, but also to the intensive search for new approaches to the development of European integration. The crisis in the EU stimulates attempts to implement the course on completing the formation of the EMU. Global financial and economic crises have a more significant negative impact on the dynamics of GDP of «outsider countries» compared to «leading countries», and differences between them are increasing as a result. The politicization of international economic relations usually strengthens the position of developed countries and weakens all others, which leads to a similar result. Imperfect policies for the integration of the emigrant population into European society are exacerbating relations between the native population of European countries and immigrants, growing anti-immigrant sentiment and mass protests by Europeans against the migration policies of national governments. Scientific novelty. The study found that most EU leaders are fully aware of the need for structural convergence, namely overcoming structural and cyclical differences among the economies of euro-area countries, as well as the main and secondary risks of divergence as a destructive phenomenon that can disrupt the established social, political, legal and economic order within the EU. Practical significance. Research materials can be used for comparative law studies.

Key words: European integration, divergence, EU countries, legal convergence, migration policy, global crisis, European economy.


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