Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 11(23)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2021.11.23.105-112. Babetska I., Turchak I. Civil legal regulation of interest of intellectual property law

Babetska I., Turchak I. Civil legal regulation of interest of intellectual property law

Purpose. This paper focuses on the definition of «legally protected interest» and clarifying questions about its structure. In this article substantiate the idea about the main role of interests in law, realize the classification by different criterion. This article is devoted finding out of question about correlation of such key normative categories as «right (equitable right)» but «legal interest», and also by a «legitimate interest». The article examines the legal nature of private and public interests in the field of intellectual property. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of appropriate conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, dialectical, logical-semantic, logical-normative, system-structural. Results: in the course of the research the concept of “private and public interest in intellectual property law” is defined. It is proved that private interest is defined as “the interest of individuals and social groups protected by the state”, public interest is defined as “recognized by the state and secured by the interest of the social community, the satisfaction of which serves as a condition and guarantee of its existence and development.”

Originality. In the course of the research it was established that when it comes to ensuring the balance of public and private interests of the parties in copyright, it means, among other things, the introduction of special norms of free use of works in international and national law. The problem of interaction of private and public interests in the legal regulation of intellectual property relations requires further thorough detailed research to determine the mechanism and methods of protection of these interests. Practical importance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities for the purpose of legal regulation of public relations in the sphere of legal protection of the brand.

Key words: interest, legal interest, legitimate interest, subjective civil law, classification of interest.


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