Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 12(24)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2021.12.24.49-56 Zvarych R., Hryvnak B. Dynamics of the regulatory function of Ukrainian lawin the context of European and international legal harmonization

Zvarych R., Hryvnak B. Dynamics of the regulatory function of Ukrainian lawin the context of European and international legal harmonization

Purpose. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive theoretical and legal analysis of the main problems of the dynamics of the regulatory function of Ukrainian law in the context of European integration and international legal harmonization. Method. The following theoretical methods of scientific knowledge were used in the study: the method of scientific analysis; system-structural; historical and legal; axiological; comparative law; formal-legal and method of generalization. Results. The scientific article highlights the process of transformation of the regulatory function of modern Ukrainian law in the context of its approximation to EU and international law. In the course of the research it was proved that in the issues of the European integration course the leading role belongs to the principles of realization of the regulatory function and regulatory influence. In particular, the implementation of the principle of the primacy of international law is for Ukraine a political and legal guarantee of stable relations with Europe and the world, as well as a legal means of protecting its legitimate interests. On the basis of the main principle of priority of norms of international law, such derivative principles of interaction of legal systems of the Council of Europe and Ukraine as: a) the principle of the rule of law should be developed; b) the principle of interconnectedness and complementarity of the law of the Council of Europe and Ukraine; c) the principles of cooperation, good faith fulfillment of obligations to the Council of Europe and the principle of mutual protection of human rights. Scientific novelty. The study found that the regulatory function of law, despite the narrowing of its scope at the domestic level and within national legal systems, has expanded its scope at the international and European levels, and especially at the level of European Union law. In this case, in the latter case, it interacts most closely with the integrative function. Practical significance. The results of the research can be useful for further general theoretical and applied research of the dynamics of the regulatory function of Ukrainian law in the context of European and international legal harmonization.

Key words: regulatory function of law, integration, harmonization, legal system of Ukraine, law of the European Union, international law.


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