Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 14(26)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2022.14.26.29-38 Kelman M., Syvulia T. Theoretical complexity and practical significance of the manifestations of the interaction of religion and law

Kelman M., Syvulia T. Theoretical complexity and practical significance of the manifestations of the interaction of religion and law

Purpose. This was briefly discussed in the first chapter, so there is a need to dwell in more detail on the social phenomena of religion and law, which have similar features, although they are different regulators of human coexistence, have obvious specifics and may differ significantly from each other. Method. Includes a comprehensive analysis of scientific and theoretical material, practical experience, as required by the level of methodology and techniques of research. Results. Research has shown that spirituality is often confused with ethical positive qualities and emotional tension. The concept of grace does not exist for such a limited intellectual consciousness, without Grace any talk of spirituality makes no sense. Sober and pragmatic jurists of antiquity, in spite of their rank as priests, did not claim to bear witness to the world of holiness, but had a convincing command of a language capable of showing such testimony. Where an idol is created by right, God is forgotten. The process of lawmaking creates the illusion of belonging to the eternity of omnipotence, immortality, the creator in his own creation. Thus, the freedom of creativity, freedom in general leads to the rejection of the highest Truth. Scientific novelty. Where an idol is created by right, God is forgotten. The process of lawmaking creates the illusion of belonging to the eternity of omnipotence, immortality, the creator in his own creation. Thus, the freedom of creativity, freedom in general leads to the rejection of the highest Truth. Practical meaning. Continuous progress has led to the fact that we had to point out the obvious: the role of religion as a factor in the law-making process, which gave law and spiritual content, and moral guidelines, and the conceptual apparatus, and its “sound form”.

Key words: God, faith, religion, law, society, reason, justice, law, politics.


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