Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 7(19)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2019.7.19.8-15 Andrukhiv O. Historical and legal aspects of the institute of patronation and persons in the soviet legislation

Andrukhiv O. Historical and legal aspects of the institute of patronation and persons in the soviet legislation

Purpose. The purpose of our study is to study the main stages of the formation of the institution of patronage and guardianship in Soviet legislation, the definition of the characteristic features of law that regulate the functioning of this institution. Method. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of theoretical and source material and further formulation of the relevant conclusions and recommendations. During the study, the principles of objectivity and systemicity, as well as general scientific, special-legal and special-historical methods scientific knowledge: analysis, synthesis, comparative, functional-legal, system-historical. Results. In the interwar decade, the formation of the patronage of children’s system took place. In the USSR, the patronage began to be implemented only after 1940, which was conditioned by the specific conditions of the development of the region and the dominance of the individual type of patronage here – the taking into guardianship of children and the family of peasants, while for the rest of the republics defining was the patronage of the collective – at the collective farms and factories. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the legal basis for the formulation of the patronage institute in the territory of Ukraine under the conditions of the Soviet system of law was followed. The reasons for the extension of this procedure are determined by material incentives and pressure on ordinary citizens by the state authorities. Characteristic was also the forced placement of patronage, which was accompanied by a massive propaganda campaign with appeals to fulfill its duty towards orphans. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further historical and legal studies, preparation of special courses.

Key words: child homelessness, child abandonment, institution of patronage, institution of guardianship, Soviet legislation, norms of law.


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