Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 15 (27). Vol 1

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2023. Krykhovetskyi I., Karpash M., Zhupnyk V. Role of the sporting and educational organizations at Galychyna in the formation of national self-consciousness and legal culture during the first half of the 20th century

Krykhovetskyi I., Karpash M., Zhupnyk V. Role of the sporting and educational organizations at Galychyna in the formation of national self-consciousness and legal culture during the first half of the 20th century

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze, study and determine the role of sports and educational organizations and movements of Galychyna in the establishment and further formation of national legal consciousness, as well as the legal culture of the local population. Method. The methodological basis of scientific research was a system of general scientific, special scientific and philosophical methods. Analytical method in combination with the comparative approach was among the main ones, which made it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the influence of sports and educational organizations on the legal awareness and legal culture of the local population during the considered historical period. Results. It was established that a number of political mottos were claimed in the programs and statutes of sports and educational organizations. Thus, the program of «Sokil» organization stated the achievement of the peoples’ «freedom». The struggle for the declaration of an independent state was a key ideology postulated by «Plast». The members of «Sich» popularized the democratic values and wish for freedom dated back to the times of the Cossacks. The influence of the mentioned organizations on the legal awareness and legal culture of the local population of Galychyna was realized through the popularization of historical and legal traditions, in particular the ideas of freedom-loving times of Zaporizhzhya Sich, preservation and propagation of national symbols – coat of arms and flag, emphasizing of the moral and ethical and Christian values. This principle was implemented by «Sokil» and «Plast», approval of statutory ideas and involvement of participants in the liberation struggles and development of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic, and in the interwar years – political activity under the frame of legal political parties; spreading the ideas of a healthy lifestyle, physical and military training of young generation. Scientific novelty. A hypothesis about the direct influence of the activity of sports and educational organizations and movements on the formation of national legal awareness and legal culture of the local population, both on purpose (membership and activity within the framework of movements and organizations) and indirectly (educational and legal educational work) is well substantiated. Practical significance. The achieved results can be used in the process of further historical and legal research, preparation of dedicated special courses, as well as in the study of the history of the state and law of Ukraine, the history of education about the state and law.

Key words: legal awareness, legal culture, sports and educational organization, Galychyna, «Plast», «Sokil», «Sich».


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