Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue 15 (27). Vol 2

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2023. Makushev P., Khidochkin A. Actual problems of relation and interaction of the European Union low system with national legal system of member staties

Makushev P., Khidochkin A. Actual problems of relation and interaction of the European Union low system with national legal system of member staties

Purpose. The article is aimed at studying topical issues of correlation and interaction of the legal system of the European Union with the national legal systems of the Member States. Methodology. he methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. During the study, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: dialectical method, methods of analysis and synthesis, systemic and structural-functional methods, as well as comparative legal method. Results. It is established that the formation of the law of the European Union was also influenced by the legal concepts and principles inherent in the national law of the Member States. It is emphasized that over time, a peculiar and autonomous legal system of the European Union was formed, which was not inherent in the national legal systems of the Member States. It is determined that by their essential content, the constituent acts of the European Union are more reminiscent of the constitutional legislation of nation-states, since they define the purpose and objectives of integration, the range of powers of integration formations and their nature, the order of formation and activity States, as well as with international organizations. It is noted that the sovereignty of Member States is somewhat limited in connection with the transfer of a certain amount of state sovereignty to the community authorities. It is concluded that today the European Union law is a strong system of regulation of relations, which is regulated at the international level and is an effective mechanism for the implementation of the main purpose and objectives of the European Union. Originality. In the course of the study, it was established that in the interaction of the legal systems of the European Union and the law of the Member States, monism of the primacy of European law is seen, which is proved by the principles of European Community law arising from judicial decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in law-making and law enforcement activities during the implementation of European integration tasks.

Key words: interaction, national law, European Union law, system of law, relation, sovereignty, court of European communities, jurisdiction.


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