Scientific and Information Bulletin

Ivan-Frankivsk University named King Danylo Halytsky

Issue № 5(17)

Shevchuk L. V. Ideological principles of the «Covenants and the Constitution of the rights and liberties of the Zaporozhye Army» 1710

Shevchuk L. V. Ideological principles of the «Covenants and the Constitution of the rights and liberties of the Zaporozhye Army» 1710

The article defines the main ideological foundations of the first in the world and Ukraine Constitution – «Covenants and the Constitution of the rights and liberties of the Zaporozhye Army», which was adopted in 1710 on the initiative of P. Orlik. The main attributes of constitutionalism, through the division of power into legislative, executive and judicial, were the fundamental norms of the ideology of liberalism, which in Europe at that time was only evolving. The ideological content of Orlik’s Constitution was manifested in the observance of the norms of natural law, traditional for the then legal culture.

Key words: legal ideology, P. Orlik’s Constitution, national statehood, legal relations, constitutionalism.

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Івано-Франківського університету права імені Короля Данила Галицького