Науково-інформаційний вісник

Івано-Франківського університету імені Короля Данила Галицького

Випуск журналу № 12(24)

DOI: 10.33098/2078-6670.2021.121.24.140-146 Lagutina I. Supervision and control over observance of labour legislation by state labour service of Ukraine

Lagutina I. Supervision and control over observance of labour legislation by state labour service of Ukraine

The purpose of the article is to investigate the role of state supervision and control over compliance with labour legislation in ensuring decent work. Methodology. The research is based on the analysis and generalization of the available practical, scientific and theoretical material and the formation of relevant conclusions. The following methods of scientific cognition were used in the research: logical-semantic, system-structural, terminological, system-functional, structural-logical, normative-dogmatic, method of generalization. Results. It is established that the effectiveness of supervision and control over compliance with labour legislation is ensured by many factors: regularity, the right choice of goal, the actual elimination of violations, the presence of clear legal regulations for control and supervision. Scientific novelty. It is established that supervision and control over observance of labour legislation is an important and necessary form of protection of labour rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of employees. With the help of this form of protection of labour rights and legitimate interests of employees, the following tasks are solved: ensuring strict implementation of regulations in the field of labour; achieving the quality of implementation of decisions; timely taking measures to eliminate identified violations; identifying positive experiences and putting them into practice. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using materials in law enforcement activities – to improve the practice of applying current legislation in the field of labor rights; educational process – in the teaching of disciplines: “Labour Law of Ukraine”, “Employment Protection”, “Labour Rights Protection in European Union Countries”.

Key words: labour rights, form of protection, supervision and control over observance of labour legislation, State Labour Service of Ukraine.


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